Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Nanny

By now, most of you know that our nanny hunt has introduced us to a cast of colorful characters.

My mom, out of desperation, called the Parish Office at San Antonio Church in Forbes Park, asking to be referred to the agency that most expats use.

Her call yielded 3 biodatas of nanny wannabes with "experience as caregiver" listed as accomplishments.

One had barely a year experience in caring for children.

The other was an X-ray technician (the last time I looked we didn't have any equipment in the house, I wonder how this would contribute to caring for Charly).

The last one was the winner of the lot.

Proudly attached to her caregiving certificates was a document from the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) and a Japanese Employment agency listing her previous salary at USD $1,500 / month.

Past work experience: Dancer / Entertainer. Read: Japayuki.

Perhaps they thought her dancing skills would help rock Charly to sleep?

Excuse me while I put a garbage bin over my head and start banging against a wall.

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