Wednesday, August 6, 2008

'Our Song'

I still remember those first few nights when we first brought Charly home from the hospital as a newborn. David took over the night shift like a pro, rocking Charly to sleep and changing her. His song repertoire (an interesting choice ranging from" The Theme from the Greatest American Hero" to the "Mighty Quinn" to "Maniac" from Flashdance which he would sing while changing Charly's nappies and moving her chubby legs up and down in an imitation of Jennifer Beals' leg-warmer clad legs dancing) was definitely more interesting than mine. I mostly drew a blank.

One night, when David was too exhausted to get up and Charly woke up, I couldn't call to mind the lyrics of any infant-appropriate songs. So I winged it. I made up a song that began "You are my bear, my baby bear, my little little baby bear...".

For some reason, it stuck. Everytime I was sleep-deprived and Charly was inconsolable, out popped that song.

These days, thanks to watching Barney and Hi-Five, I have a much wider repertoire of children's songs. But for some reason, whenever Charly is sick or having a nightmare, out pops that little song.

Earlier today when I was sick in bed, Charly woke me up "my baby bear, my little little baby bear..."

She was singing me 'our song' to make me feel better.

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