Friday, August 8, 2008

We're (not really) All in This Together

More than the refrain from the High School Musical song that every 'tween knows the dance steps to, "we're all in this together" is the underlying message throughout all Olympic games, past and present.

For the 2008 games, "One world, One Dream" is the motto plastered all over China. A phrase that is sadly beginning to crystalize into an oxymoron.

The games hadn't even begun and US speedskating champ, Joey Cheek, already had his visa revoked. With no explanations.

What is even more bothersome is that the U.S. Olympic Committee did not speak up on his behalf.

Could the fact that Chicago is bidding for 2016 have anything to do with this? It's a case of governments, politicians wanting to look good and currying favor from each other. You scratch my back, I'l scratch yours.

It also shows an overwhelming paranoia on the powers that be. Joey Cheek may have organized Team Dafur, but its members are far more influential than the speedskating champ. Is George Clooney attending the Olympic games? Will his visa be revoked too? I imagine that he would draw more media attention rallying for its cause, as he has been known to support in the past than Joey Cheek.

The gods of Mount Olympus must be shaking their heads to see what a muddled up political circus the Olympic Games have become.

It's sad to know that, even for a short while, the countries of this world cannot even really come together as one, putting differences aside.

"One World, One Dream".  So far, it's only just that. A dream.


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